What is “doing business as”?

“Doing business as” (DBA) or doing business under an assumed name is the practice of operating a business under a name other than its legal name. In North Carolina, businesses are required to file a DBA with the Register of Deeds in at least one county where they conduct business if they plan to conduct business under a name other than their legal name.

To file a DBA in North Carolina, the business must complete an Assumed Business Name Certificate and file it with the Register of Deeds in the county where they will operate. The certificate must include the business’s legal name, the assumed name, and the business’s principal address.

The Assumed Business Name Act in the North Carolina General Statutes governs the requirements of filing a certificate of assumed name.

You can file a certificate of Assumed Name in Wake County with the Wake County Register of Deeds.

It is important to note that registering a DBA does not provide trademark protection for the name. If you want to protect your business name, you may need to file a trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or consult with a trademark attorney.

Will Blackton is a business lawyer based in Raleigh, North Carolina. You can reach Will at wblackton@bobllaw.com or (919) 636-5979.

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